Thursday 1 December 2016

Practice - more pyramids

with my pyramids i want to make a piece that has a close gathering of pyramids in the middle and gradients outwards. i experimented with the idea and created a mock-up using 5cm high pyramids. the piece was successful and achieved the look i wanted. from face on wards it looks two dimensional but as you move around it it you begin to see its dimensions clearly. 

to further develop this piece i started experimenting with the heights of the pyramids. from head on they still look flat but the piece becomes more interesting with different heights as you begin to start having to look around each pyramid to see the next. the pyramids at different heights distort the image of the chandelier even more, making this more successful.

my intentions for my final piece is to make this piece a lot bigger so that the observer has more to look at and overload them almost with shard like images.

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