Thursday 29 September 2016

Practice - bold lines and geometric shapes

For my next step with the church i have a thought of looking through some of the images again and finding the shapes (not objects) within them and focusing on those alone. in my mind the drawings will have a Kline influence through using bold markings to represent the different shapes found in the church.

Studio - flowers under microscopes

A basic search for flowers under microscopes resulting in images that look completely alien than what is normally though of when thinking of a flower. their textures are bumpy and uneven which is intriguing due to the contrast when looking at petals through the naked eye.
id really like to look more closely at some of these images, do some detailed little drawings and hopefully create my own images. 
another idea is to recreate some of these images with other materials.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Studio - another day, another module guide

for the studio module guide we are able to develop our already established practice. we had to look at our feedback from last year and see what we could improve on. my main issue was that my ideas were good but i didn't develop them enough for them to really be successful.

an idea i have for studio is to look at nature through microscopes - literally.

as well as this id like to take photos of these natural materials such as flowers, insects, slate, rocks.
this idea will enable me to look closer at the thing that inspires my art the most-nature.

Monday 26 September 2016

Practice - Midnight thoughts

i've thought quite a lot about how to respond to the church and its surroundings. i looked a lot at its details and insignificant little parts. one of my options is to look further at these insignificant sights and make them significant. another idea i have is to take away the church's details altogether and explore the abstract forms that could be created through this. how i will go about creating these ideas and developing them into substantial material i am yet to figure out but i'm really looking forward to this project and spending more time in the church.

Practice - First day, first church

Our brief for practice is to exhibit our own work we create this semester in the St Mary Le Wigford church in Lincoln. We need to promote ourselves and the exhibit in a professional manner.
first of all, we went to the church to get a feel for where we would be placing our work and how we would respond to it. as i'm not sure of where or what i'm going to be doing yet i decided to just look around, take in the surroundings and the architecture and take some detailed little drawings of some of the things i found interesting in the church.