Monday 21 November 2016

Studio - combining flowers

i combined flowers instead of photos to convey different periods in different peoples lives.
i chose to use the birth flower of august to represent my life at this point (new born) and a wilting flower for my granddad.
i like the look of the finished piece because you really have to look through the image to make out the flowers because it is so busy with multiple images.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Practice - Pyramids

The more i look at my collages the more i see their faults. from the side they do not look professional or finished because you could see how they were made. i wanted to try out another way of making my collage 3D by making individual pyramids.

i think the pyramids look a lot more professional however i would want them in more order than the scattered state these are in. also in the crit it was pointed out the differences between them pointing towards are away from you. when they are pointing away from you it looks as though i am presenting a singular image where as when it is pointing to you you can see all the aspects of the pyramid. i want to make them also different height to see how that effects the look of them.

Practice - Colourful sides

I wanted to make my collage have different heights to it but an issue that was bough up with that idea was that you would be able to see the paper below a lot more. I thought a solution to the problem would be to make the paper below colourful so it was something else to look at while you move around the piece. i used the image of the stained glass windows instead of the chandelier because i haven't decided which to use yet.

while i like that it still looks 2D from the front until you move around the collage, i don't think the colours add anything to piece. i like that the windows look like broken shards of glass but i think this image is actually too bright and obvious for what i was wanting.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Studio - combining photos

in the crit an idea someone gave me, in response to my recent flower combinations, was to combine multiple photos together instead of just two.
i started with combining all the photos of my Granddad and Grandma's wedding. the end result is a canvas of black and white unclear shapes. i like how you can only make out images within the piece if you study it closely. i think it would have been more successful if there were less images so they were clearer to make out.

the next collage i created was with just group photos from the wedding. because the photos are black and white it makes the collages have an eerie quality, it makes me think of memories in the mind. 

This was using just photos from the wedding of just my grandpa and grandma.

this collage combines photos of when my grandpa was young

And this was just two photos combined of young and old photos of him

for this collage i used an image of when she was a baby, young girl, her wedding, her with her children and the final nice photo we have of her. i combined them all together to make a collage symbolising her life.

i think the most successful was the first one because it doesn't look like photographs until you get closer to it.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Studio - opacity flowers

I prefer using my own drawings instead of  photos found on the internet as it makes the art more personal. i still wanted to combine the family photo and the flower and experimented with layering them on top of each other, changing the opacity.

I think this series is a lot more successful than the previous because they are my own drawings and because the flowers are not as obvious. the first one (the baby) is the most effective in my eyes as the flowers cover the image. I don't think the rose works as well in the wedding photo because its too busy and full, i think it would have looked better if id have placed it only slightly in-front of their faces or lowered the opacity even more.

Monday 7 November 2016

Studio - photo-shopped flowers

I tried combining the photos instead of having them separate to make them one image instead of two separate elements.
Jasmine, Cape: I am too happy
Camellia Japonica, White: Perfected loveliness
Rose, red: Love
i wanted to also see what it would be like to move away from flowers and just combine the generations in one photo. i like how its unclear to make out who the little girl is because there's such an age gap but i also like how it looks as though shes just an on-looker because of both photos being in black and white.