Wednesday 22 March 2017

Theo Van Doesburg

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
Theo Van Doesburg
 Theo Van Doesburg was one of the founders and leading theorists of De Stijl along with Piet Mondrian.

His style is very similar to Mondrian’s but Van Doesburg uses more angles and tones in his art, it is a more developed style. I prefer his more fluid way of using geometric images within his work without them being rigid. He is more open to colour in his work which I think makes them more appealing although he will only stick to a certain number in a piece.

I find this piece one of his most interesting because of the grid behind it. Although this is normally something artists would remove after finishing a piece, Van Doesburg made the grid a prominent part of the piece. In comparison, the grids angles is in contrast to Modrian’s stiff compositions. The bolder lines just emphasise there angle and fluidity. It looks structural because of its accuracy and straight lines, which is what I’m wanting within my own work. 

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