Thursday 23 March 2017


Wednesday 22nd March 2017

I find Mondrian’s work is similar to mine because of the lines he uses that split up each colour and cube. 

·         He was influenced by cubism,
·         Stuck to the 3 primary colours and black,
·         De Stijl movement,
·         Interested in the abstract quality of line,
·         Neo-Plasticism (term adopted by Mondrian to describe his work),
·         Geometric abstraction.

I find the way he uses lines interesting, mixing them with only three other colours. Would the pieces be as interesting with no colour? Or muted colours? I think the colours being so bold is what makes the pieces stand out from one another. 

His non-representational works differ to mine in that mine are representations of scenes that I have sketched, distorted and then shown them in a way that shows my perception. Because of this key difference, I will look at Mondrian’s work solely for its aesthetics qualities. 

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