Saturday 22 October 2016

Practice - more practice collages

i tried making a similar collage but with zoomed-in images of the chandelier to see if this changed the over all aesthetic. i think the original collage was the most successful as with this one the images are too big so you can recognise what it is a lot easier. if i were to do it again i would zoom in even more so it was much less recognisable. 

i looked at the stain glass windows in the church to make a collage out of because these were the first things i originally looked at in the church before i decided to focus on the chandelier. this was just a basic quick collage but i like the simplicity of it.

i wanted to experiment with the collages backgrounds and colour by placing one on coloured card. i much prefer the plain white backgrounds as i think the blue distracts from the collage. maybe with a different colour this would work better. 

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