Monday 24 October 2016

Studio - week 4 crit

In the crit last week i got some really good feedback for my idea of looking at flowers in relation to a humans life span. a question which was asked was whether or not i should move away from flowers and look purely at the human side of my work however, i love working with flowers and it has become a crucial part of my own practice which is why i think i will carry on with working with flowers.

Georgia O'Keeffe was a name that was mentioned because of the symbolism in her work. because i'm looking predominantly at women's lives (flowers are feminine) id like to create some work that looks closer at the flowers forms.

Mary Kelly's Mother and child work was also mentioned. her work shows the relationship between her and her new born son in media other than just photographs. id like to experiment with text pieces to do with my mum and the relationship she had with her own mum and the one with me as a child and when i was growing up.

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