Wednesday 1 February 2017


I was successful last semester and got a 2:1 overall. This semester again there is two modules running side-by-side; practice and studio. I intend on progressing from my practice module ideas of 3D collages but not with my autobiographical work from studio. I was a lot more passionate about physically making things than digitally.

Over the Christmas holidays, I have been painting more than anything else has and I want to include more painting into my work this semester within collage. My work has been driven by geometry in my most successful projects so I am going to aim for this to be at the forefront of my work this semester as it is a design and style that has interested me for years.

Also over the Christmas period, I have been reading Grayson Perry’s ‘Playing to the gallery’, which I have found very insightful. I agree with him that art can still be beautiful and that it doesn’t all need to be shocking but how the ‘just beautiful’ artwork is overlooked in today’s society. Id really like to explore this topic in my dissertation because I feel it is something that features in my own work; I do not make art to shock and to make a statement, I make art for it to be enjoyed.

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