Sunday 26 February 2017

Studio - Looking at colour

Friday 24th February, 2017
Looking at colour.

This week we had critiques and mine went quite well. The response to my paintings was a positive one and I got a few ideas from it. I want to start looking at colour within paintings as well as the shapes within them.

I really wanted to paint my board black and then painting on top of that so that when the masking tape was peeled off, it would reveal a black background instead of the previous white ones. I didn’t initially intend on this being just a two-tone piece but as soon as I begun to sponge on the copper paint I knew it would look great with the black and I was thankfully right. Although the paint bled through the tape in a few parts I think this is a successful; piece because to me it is aesthetically pleasing. There is a nice contrast between the dark matte black and the metallic copper. The black definitely makes for a different mood to the painting than the white, it makes for a more sombre attitude. 

It was suggested in the critique that I try using the same colour but with added black and white as to create different shades throughout a single piece. I consider this piece my most successful this semester, as I love the aesthetics of it. This was a depiction of my orangery roof at home and because of the line running down the middle, it seems to cut the painting in two, letting the eye run across the top, leading to the bottom layer. Using the same colour in different tones make, the shapes form together nicely although they have these expanses of white between them.

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