Monday 20 February 2017

Studio - Masking tape painting

Monday 20th February, 2017.
Masking tape painting.

Instead of using a pencil to mark out the lines of the shapes I wanted to create, I used masking tape instead so that it would make bold white lines across the board. I tried this technique first on a small A4 board with only five colours. I did this because I didn’t want to over-complicate the piece with the element of colour so I didn’t think too much about that at this stage. 

I think using the masking tape makes the painting very successful. The bold white lines make the shapes clearer and frame them. I also sponged white with the colour as I didn’t want the painting to look too dark and I think it looks light and aesthetically pleasing while still having interest in its perception.

I tried the same technique on a bigger scale and on canvas instead of a board. The masking tape still made the same visual aesthetic however, I think I tried to fit too many objects into this painting so some of the simplicity of the first is lost within the busyness of this piece. The sponged –on white paint still gives the painting a soft look and is a technique I want to carry on using in my painting because of the interesting texture it also gives the painting.

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