Wednesday 1 February 2017

Studio - Artists and topics which has inspired and under-pin my work

1st February 2017
Artists and topics which has inspired and under-pin my work.

Within my work, I can see that there has been three main topics running through my work in the past few years: nature, distortion and geometry. Nature has been in my work since I did A-levels and has continued to influence my work with effects from looking at Andy Goldworthy and Anya Gallaccio. However, last semester I took a step back from nature and decided to look at autobiographical work instead. I didn’t feel enthused about this work and I think is predominantly why I do not wish to carry on this line of work.

When I was at school struggling with maths, my teacher told me that everything in the world is made up of triangles and ever since, I have looked at objects differently. I see them as shapes instead of their use. Geometry first came into my work when I discovered Wassily Kandinsky during my foundation degree. I fell in love with his idea of automatic drawing and just drawing whatever come to mind. His bold geometric shapes and colour drew me to his work originally. I later drew images in a much more clinical way in geometric patterns. I also started using collage as a main medium in my work during my foundation degree. I combined all three topics within them to create distorted images of flowers in geometric patterns. I will revisit this for my practice module this semester.

Abigail Reynolds work with collage and distortion had great effects on my work last semester in my practice module and I intend to cross that over into my studio module this year by creating 3D collages.

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