Friday 6 October 2017

Printing with flowers

It was suggested in the first session by a peer that I try printing directly with the flower instead of using lino prints, I liked this idea so I experimented with it. I was going to use black so I could see the detail more easily but I chose to use a pale blue to match the delicacy of the flowers. I would try this experimentation with black because although the blue looked affective, the little contrast to the page made it difficult to see the print.

In my work symmetry and a clinical look is important to me. I like my work to look clinical so that the eye can easily distinguish the marks I make in my work. With flower printing, this was hard to do because no print will be the same, the paint will coat the petals differently and petals would fall off because of having to be pushed down.

They are interesting prints to look at because with some it is not clear it is a flower which is intriguing. Because of the dips in the flower you are unable to print all of it so you can’t see the whole image. I won’t be continuing with printing with the flower because it is not a way of printing which will give me a detailed image, which is what I wish to achieve with my prints.

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