Monday 16 October 2017

Patterns and Scale

I like my work to look clinical as I believe it looks more professional and clean when it is presented. When something is messy and out of place in a piece it causes slight OCD tendencies.

Without the pattern in my work, it eliminates the reason for looking at the Fibonacci sequence and natural materials (flowers). I decided to look at scale again but oppositely to how I previously considered it in my work. I made the flower pattern smaller. I made the pattern even smaller so that it became almost like an optical illusion. From further away it doesn’t look like a flower at all but a few dots on the page, until you get closer and see the drawing. Although the smaller scale makes the image interesting to look at, I want you to be able to see the drawing of my work. If you can’t see that the image is a flower then it might as well be anything. It is important the image of the flower can seen otherwise it has no links to the sequence. 

This drawing doesn’t work best as a sequence because the eye is drawn too much to the centres of the flowers, they are too dark in contrast to the rest of the image. As a pattern spread across a wall like wallpaper it not be as aesthetically pleasing as other drawings is have created.

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