Wednesday 19 April 2017

Raised painting

Wednesday 19th April 2017
Raised painting

All the paintings I have produced this semester have been two-dimensional so I challenged myself to create one with a raised/three-dimensional element. Some parts of the painting are still flat but some are thin cardboard, painted the same colour.
From straight on the painting looks like an illusion of some parts being raised which is interesting as I like the thought of creating optical illusions with paintings. This will be something I explore further next year.
I would have preferred for the raised parts to be made from wood so it looked more professional but it was very difficult to mark the unusual shapes out onto wood. When you begin to walk around the piece, you can see the cardboard edges that look messy and unfinished.
I stuck to the same palette of grey as my previous piece because it was successful but I chose to only paint with one tone to see how the painting would evolve. The painting looks structural and uniform with the same colour running throughout, more so than my previous painting.

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